Radiance of Life

Life is a radiant gift, shining with every breath we take. Radiance is the essence of life, the spark that ignites our souls. It is the light that guides us through the darkness, the warmth that fills our hearts. The radiance of life is in the simple joys, the moments of wonder, the smiles ofContinue reading “Radiance of Life”

Letting Go – Part 1

Letting go is one of the most difficult but rewarding skills to master in life. It means to release our attachment to things, people, situations, or emotions that no longer serve us or make us happy. It means to accept the reality and move on with gratitude and grace. Letting go is not easy becauseContinue reading “Letting Go – Part 1”


Yes, it’s me. Again, after a long long break, but how could I miss this season, this festive season, the season of hope, the season of bidding farewell to the old year and embracing the new year with a warm welcome? How could I not wish you all, a wonderful family, who has given meContinue reading “MERRY CHRISTMAS 2022”

Merry Christmas

To begin with, let me wish you all A Merry Christmas. May this blissful day fill your lives with health, peace and plenteous family time to cherish. But, what is Christmas? In my opinion; Christmas, and for the matter of fact, every festival, is a feeling or an emotion that is put into life byContinue reading “Merry Christmas”

To Forgive is Divine

Forgiveness is the character of strength. It is something that you bless yourself with. Forgiveness will set your inner self free of the guilt of not liberating others’ offenses. Kindness is a sign of love while forgiveness is a quality of the bravehearts. Forgive not for the sake of an apology, but for self-peace. Forgive;Continue reading “To Forgive is Divine”

Tis The Season of Gratitude and Kindness

Gratitude is the inner voice whereas kindness is the expression of the inner voice through different acts and gestures. Kindness towards someone will surely bless you with a return gift of gratitude. So, be kind and have courage eithet to apologise or to express thankfulness. The mirror image of kindness is gratitude. Leaving the footprintsContinue reading “Tis The Season of Gratitude and Kindness”

They Are Called Friends Happy Friendship Day

They may be apart by distance, never by heart They know the value of your smile at the cost of your troubling tears They refresh your soul and rejuvenate your heart They make you believe in yourself and comfort you to overcome hard times They guide you choose quality over quantity They are the onesContinue reading “They Are Called Friends Happy Friendship Day”

Hello Everyone, I Am Back Aboard

This is a big Hello from me to my WordPress family. After a long cast away, I am back here, Home Again. Firstly, my wholehearted gratitude to my well-wishers, who never failed to pray for me and my family all this time that I was away. Informatively, it was a chaos around here within myContinue reading “Hello Everyone, I Am Back Aboard”

A Winter Too Cold by Neha Kulkarni

Hello fellow bloggers, Neha Kulkarni is one of the fellow bloggers here on WordPress (https://mytalkexchange.wordpress.com/). She is a multitalented personality. She is an artist in a true sense as she is a dancer, a writer and also a language expert of a few languages. You all will be surprised to know that she has achievedContinue reading “A Winter Too Cold by Neha Kulkarni”

Happy New Year 2021!

A year called 2020, a year called historical, a year called unforgettable. A year unimaginable, unbelievable and unpredictable hit this globe like a “burning asteroid” and damaged this beautiful place called “World.” Undoubtedly, the year 2020 has marked itself in red in history. But, the most crucial gift that this past year did bless usContinue reading “Happy New Year 2021!”

Wholehearted Gratitude! Thank You 900!

We all know how this year has been. The harshness of tough times has dreadfully affected us all. However, in the middle of such hardships, a ray of hope for each of us was our creative self and our ability to hang in there as best as we could through activities that kept us busyContinue reading “Wholehearted Gratitude! Thank You 900!”

I Want To Say Thank You!

Step by step small achievements have indeed added to my confidence and the support of everybody on this platform has always fed me with more motivation. A big Thank You to all the fellow bloggers who read my posts without judgement, commented without prejudice, inspired me without entitlement, understood my writing without pretension and supportedContinue reading “I Want To Say Thank You!”

pk 🌍 MUNDO

Educación y cultura general.


Travelling is my joy of living. Sit back relax and come with me.

The Budding Writer

Do What Makes You Happy