Why Do You Care?

Heard a wrongful whisper? Why do you care? Experienced an undeserved criticism? Why do you care? Felt some harsh justification instead of an earned praise? Why do you care? Merited an insulting reputation? Why do you care? Went through a deep resentment and ended up emotionally wounded? Why do you care? Charged with some unfairContinue reading “Why Do You Care?”

21-Day Lockdown: Day 6 Don’t Stifle

Don’t stifle by the fumes of hatred and ignorance. Don’t stifle by the fumes of negligence and incompetence. Don’t stifle by the fumes of pessimism and narrowmindedness. Don’t stifle by the fumes of dishonesty and greed. Don’t stifle by the fumes of laziness and lack of curiosity. Don’t stifle by the fumes of failure andContinue reading “21-Day Lockdown: Day 6 Don’t Stifle”

21-Day Lockdown: Day 5 Richest Inheritance

Live with the richest inheritance of goodwill. Live with the richest inheritance of wisdom. Live with the richest inheritance of life values and ideals. Live with the richest inheritance of respect, love and affection. Live with the richest inheritance of disciplined behaviour and conduct. Live with the richest inheritance of honesty, courage and confidence. LiveContinue reading “21-Day Lockdown: Day 5 Richest Inheritance”

21-Day Lockdown: Day 4 Difficulties are Testing Times

Difficulties assure opportunities. Difficulties teach to struggle and survive. Difficulties encourage to grow strong. Difficulties make us a better human being. Difficulties bring out your hidden potential. Difficulties give rise to creativity. Difficulties bear a constructive perspective. Difficulties bring about challenges and force us to face them. Difficulties are frustrating but they indirectly strengthen yourContinue reading “21-Day Lockdown: Day 4 Difficulties are Testing Times”

21-Day Lockdown: Day 3

COVID-19 – A Blessing in Disguise!!! The deadly Corona virus is killing people all over the world. Even the world leaders are facing massive challenges as to the ways of controlling/stopping/eradicating this culprit. But since the outbreak of Covid-19, the best thing that has ever happened is people realizing the importance of family, staying home,Continue reading “21-Day Lockdown: Day 3”

21-Day Lockdown: Day 2 Voice of Freedom

Why are the streets so empty? Why are the beaches out of crowd? There is nobody seen around the lakes or in the gardens and parks. Why is there no honking of vehicles? There are very few fishermen and hence less fishing nets. The “Humans,” as they call them the world over, are no moreContinue reading “21-Day Lockdown: Day 2 Voice of Freedom”

Welcome 2020! Happy New Year!

Cheers to a New Year and our chance to make as much best out of it as we can. A very Happy New Year to all you lovely people. May the Lord keep bestowing kindness on the mankind. Rise and shine. Follow me on:1. Instagram2. copypower.blog

500 and still counting…

500 followers!!! The last best thing to happen on this day, when the clock is almost set to tick 12. I am so so happy to have achieved this milestone. A million thanks to all the fellow bloggers who have been the constant admirers of my words. What more can I ask on this day?Continue reading “500 and still counting…”

Summing up 2019 and welcoming 2020, the last year of the decade…

The year 2019 wasn’t been the one that began and ended as expected. Twists and twirls, ups and downs and all in all a total roller coaster was 2019. But other than the mysteries and miseries, there was a lot to learn from this past year. Lessons never learnt at school were learned through time,Continue reading “Summing up 2019 and welcoming 2020, the last year of the decade…”

The True Spirit of Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my fellow bloggers. Stay blessed. Follow me on Instagram & https://www.facebook.com/Copypower-2125727557493127/

pk 🌍 MUNDO

Educación y cultura general.


Travelling is my joy of living. Sit back relax and come with me.

The Budding Writer

Do What Makes You Happy