Your Identity, Your Possession

Daily Prompt: Identity

Your identity is what you have earned for yourself, spend it wisely. Don’t waste it behind impressing others so hard that you cannot secure it again and people take it away from you. Your identity is what you own, it’s what you have understood of yourself after years of self-observance.

Every scar of the past and every sweet memory have summed up to make you what you are. Never underrate yourself by comparing yourself with others. Your identity is precious and you are its guardian, so protect it from not being bargained. Be proud of what you are and if not then be strong enough to challenge your own identity and fight it out to change it to be proud of it. Don’t defame your identity to comfort the society.

The social expectation from you is you wear an easily identifiable mask to define your characteristics generally but that is not the true you. You have crafted your own identity after big struggles of life, so don’t ruin it just for the sake of a fake individuality. Always remember, identity is not inherent but it is something that you have created for yourself out of your sensibility. Hold your identity with confidence and pride.

Rise and shine.

Published by copypowerblog

“Rise and Shine” is my life long-standing "Mantra" that I follow. I am a travel enthusiast. Travelling gives me energy and rejuvinates me, while writing relieves my stress and creates positive vibes within. I believe in making every little contribution towards making this world a better place for the coming generations to live in and breathe free. We should all understand and accept the fact that we are blessed with this existence as humans and utilize this bliss to help the unprivileged by making maximum humanitarian efforts. Gratitude is a bliss. Never miss a chance to express your gratitude especially towards the amazing God gift called "Nature". Have courage and be kind to others. Respect and discipline should be your master armours to fight the evil of overconfidence and arrogance. Chase your dreams, stand for and by yourself, spread love and kindness, act smart, don't let others ruin you in anyway and above all make all necessary efforts to rise and shine bright. Self-respect and self-confidence along with kindness and generosity should be the values by which people should reognize and remember you. Rise and Shine.

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