The Colourful Mind

I have always felt that our mind has all the rights to be called colourful rather than chaotic. The reason being this chaos is actually comprised of different colours of life and situations occurring in it. Our mind is like a prism through which plain thoughts convert into a spectrum of colourful imaginations. The variedContinue reading “The Colourful Mind”

Never Mind The Chaotic Mind

O Mind! Please help this silent Soul to stay silent and away from your chaos. Let this Soul make a peaceful walk through the woods dear Mind, it needs those moments of calm and gather. Please try not to crush this Marrow by burdening it with your rock-like mayhem, let it live, let it breathe.Continue reading “Never Mind The Chaotic Mind”

pk 🌍 MUNDO

Educación y cultura general.

Travelling is my joy of living. Sit back relax and come with me.

The Budding Writer

Do What Makes You Happy