Being Athletic

Daily Prompt: Athletic

Wonder what and how people to do be fit and energetic and especially how they attain their athletic skills? Well, we all know it’s just not only the regular exercise and diet that works, but it’s much more beyond it.

Being athletic is nothing but remaining outside your comfort zone. Athleticism is the measure of how much you slog yourself for the attainment of a specific skillset. Being athletic is the amount of sweat you squeezed out of yourself to gain your set goals. The efforts, the hard work as well as the precision you master is what one calls to be athletic.

Try to slave yourself to every single drop of perspiration to taste the success of your acquired skillset. Being athletic is the power to govern your senses and not fall weak for momentary luxuries and comforts. Every act of labour put in surely pays off one day if you are determined for the benefit of your own self, for the benefit of being athletic.

Published by copypowerblog

“Rise and Shine” is my life long-standing "Mantra" that I follow. I am a travel enthusiast. Travelling gives me energy and rejuvinates me, while writing relieves my stress and creates positive vibes within. I believe in making every little contribution towards making this world a better place for the coming generations to live in and breathe free. We should all understand and accept the fact that we are blessed with this existence as humans and utilize this bliss to help the unprivileged by making maximum humanitarian efforts. Gratitude is a bliss. Never miss a chance to express your gratitude especially towards the amazing God gift called "Nature". Have courage and be kind to others. Respect and discipline should be your master armours to fight the evil of overconfidence and arrogance. Chase your dreams, stand for and by yourself, spread love and kindness, act smart, don't let others ruin you in anyway and above all make all necessary efforts to rise and shine bright. Self-respect and self-confidence along with kindness and generosity should be the values by which people should reognize and remember you. Rise and Shine.

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